Evrensel Mevlana Aşıkları Vakfı
Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.
– Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi
I have come and gone many times in this ephemeral world,
I became rain and poured down,
I became grass and flowers.
I came to guide in the land of the Romans,
I was the Jalaluddin Mevlana, coming from Khorasan.
Sometimes I appeared as a prophet, sometimes as a saint,
Now, praise be to God, I have come to know myself.
I came and went, but they never knew my true essence,
No one has conquered my secret,
I became brothers with those who did not know themselves.
They gave me the name Hasan,
I came to serve humanity.
Hasan Rıza (Çıkar) Dede
The Contemporary Mevlana Lovers Group was founded in 1989 under the spiritual leadership of Hasan Rıza Dede. It began its mission to keep the eternal wisdom of the Exalted Mevlana alive and to introduce it to today’s world.
The group’s principle of existence is based on the teachings of Hazrat Mevlana, aligned with the vision of Head Teacher, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey and the modern Turkish people.
Initially, the group operated as the Galata Mevlevi Lodge Association (1982-2010) and later as the Universal Mevlana Lovers Foundation (1998 – EMAV). It now continues its activities as the Universal Mevlana Lovers Foundation (EMAV).
Hazrat Mevlana’s father was Sultan al-Ulama, and his successor and teacher was Seyyid Burhāneddin of Tabriz, along with Shams of Tabriz, who were among the Sufis that came to Anatolia in the 13th century.
Mevlana was born in the city of Balkh on September 30, 1207. He was given the title “Rumi” because he spent most of his life in Konya. According to Ahmed Eflaki, Mevlana said: “The Almighty God bestowed great blessings. The people of this land were completely unaware of the spiritual pleasures of the realm of light, which belongs to God; the Creator of causes, the Glorious God, brought us from the province of Khorasan to Anatolia. He granted this pure land to our descendants as a homeland so that we may share the essence of His divine elixir upon the people of this land, thus making them a perfect alchemy.”
Sema aramı canı zindeganest,
Kesi danet ki ura canı canest.
“Sema brings peace and tranquility to the souls of the living. Those who possess the essence of their being understand this. A person lying asleep in the garden wishes for someone to awaken them. However, the awakening of those asleep in prison is a loss. Where there is a wedding or gathering, there, let one perform Sema, not in a place of mourning. A place of mourning is where cries and wails are heard. To one who cannot see their own essence, what need is there for Sema or the drum? Sema is for reaching the beloved.
– Rumi
* Previously recorded video discussion with Hasan Dede about Mevlewi’s path with English subtitle. it is between at 19.30 pm – 20.30 pm (If you are interested).
*Treat of dinner at 20:35pm – 20.50 pm.
*Sufi Music Concert 21:00 pm -21:30pm
*Whirling Dervishes Ceremony at 21.45 pm – 22.30 pm.
* Previously recorded video discussion with Hasan Dede about Mevlewi’s path with English subtitle. it is between at 19.00 pm – 19.30 pm (If you are interested) & Treat
* 19:30-19:50 pm Sufi Music Concert
*19:50-20:30 pm Whirling Dervishes Ceremony
Sema brings peace and tranquility to the souls of living beings. Those who grasp the essence of their being understand this. A person asleep in the garden wishes for someone to awaken them. However, to awaken those asleep in prison is a loss. Where there is a wedding or gathering, let one perform the Sema, not in a place of mourning. A place of mourning is where cries and wails are heard. To one who cannot see his or her own essence, what need is there for Sema or the drum? Sema is for reaching the beloved.
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